Charbomber's Zone


As it stands now, this website is kind of boring, so I thought I'd add a blog?? Sure, why not.


I'm sorry for no updates I'm so tired :[


Waoh, 20,000 hits, hell yeah. In celebration, I'll be uploading some assets for people to use on their websites. For funsies!


Hey guys! Nothing super interesting to report, but felt the need to update the blog anyways. The Secret Santa game is going surprisingly well (there was a good week where I didn't work on it lol), and against my better judgement I also joined another second Christmas game jam which is a lot easier since they give you premade assets and RPG Maker 2003.
You might also see that I finally have the first interesting thing on my website in a while - SMT shrine - up. I've been working on it for a good while, so ya better appreciate it!
Jokes aside, the only reason I consider it 'unfinished' right now is because it's small and because I wanted two games per 'section' and I could only fit one game in a section and that feels a bit annoying lol. Overall I'm really happy with how it looks, though!


At the time of me writing this, it is December 9th. Technically, the game I am going to talk about right now is supposed to release December 10th. Thing about that, since it's for a friend's birthday and it just now became midnight for them thus being December 10th, it's now out a bit 'early'. So, this post is maybe December 9th, maybe December 10th? Who knows. Anyways like the last post was talking about, Five Fucks given at This Game has now released for my friend Stunp's birthday. Happy birthday, Stunp.


Progress on the Secret Santa jam game is going great!
That on it's own is a little boring, though, so I'll let you in on a little secret:

I'm working on a bit of a secret project, and I dunno if it'l ever release, but I am very excited for it!!
Unfortunately, it's a weird dumb fangame, so I dunno if anyone will be as excited as I am.

In other news, check out my page for a terrible little game, 'Five Fucks given at This Game'. Releases December 10th. I made it for a friend's birthday as a joke, which is also December 10th.
So remember, everyone say "Happy Birthday Stunp!" when December 10th rolls around!


Today is the start of the Secret Santa game jam! I haven't missed a single one, so I'm excited to take part again this year.
I have a friend who's birthday is December 10th, and I'm making a game for them too, so I'll have to juggle the two games.
I think I can do it, though!
I can't wait to see what I make this year... and what I get as my gift game as well! Mostly the first one though. Actually if anything I'm most excited to see how my giftee reacts to the game I make, as that's my favorite part of gamedev.
Seeing people react and talk about something you make is like, the best thing ever IMO, which is why this game jam is actually kind of perfect for me lmao.

If you see this from the Secret Santa game jam: hello, and good luck on the game!!

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