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Synthstatica Board


just found out about this game

hey guys i just found out about this game, anyone got any tips?


Yeah. Make sure you don't miss Masuyo lol. It's really easy to miss him if you aren't careful.

The final boss isn't immune to energy blast for some reasn

masyuos a girl you fucking idiot

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Anyone know why the Energy Blast trick works??

I'm really curious about it.



in the code they aren't flagged as a boss for some reason. it's kinda stupid

I always thought that it was because of the story :3

what's energy blast?????? does msuyo learn that?????

How do you NOT know what Energy Blast is and who gets it?

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where do i get the game

i ttried to pirate it but there isnt a rom site with it


I found a rom somehwere but forgot

I got a copy at

oh sick

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HOLY CRAP someone finally beat the superboss!!

Did you guys know about the secret superboss?? Someone just beat it! People thought it was impossible for a while!!!


Woah! 0o0 that's crazy! Are they a speedrunner or something?

Nah their name was Misha or something idr

Finally! I hope they make a guide or something!

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