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Yeah. Make sure you don't miss Masuyo lol. It's really easy to miss him if you aren't careful.
The final boss isn't immune to energy blast for some reasn
masyuos a girl you fucking idiot
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in the code they aren't flagged as a boss for some reason. it's kinda stupid
I always thought that it was because of the story :3
what's energy blast?????? does msuyo learn that?????
How do you NOT know what Energy Blast is and who gets it?
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I found a rom somehwere but forgot
I got a copy at https://charbomber.itch.io/synthstatica
oh sick
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Woah! 0o0 that's crazy! Are they a speedrunner or something?
Nah their name was Misha or something idr
Finally! I hope they make a guide or something!
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