bad midis

Here is a collection of very totally quality midis for my website.

I'm currently experimenting with another midi player I found randomly. If this also has a bitcoin miner in it for some reason, then I'll be very angry.
(Note: this midi player does not appear to use the standard windows sound-font and it makes the midis sound a little weird.)

NOTICE: if you would like to use any of these midis, please credit me!! It would be nice, thank you. You don't even have to notify me or ask, but notifying me would be cool anyways so I can see what you're doing with it.

"Classic Space Music"

I've had a lot of people tell me that this song is actually good.
Don't worry, that was entirely an accident and will not happen again.

"Murder Death Fuck"

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry.

good midis

These are the actually good ones.

"Action Theme 1"

Sorry for the egregiously bland title, I meant to make it as a stage theme for a game so I wasn't thinking of giving it a name.
ALSO: Oh wow the different soundfont really did a number on this one. Trust me it's *WAY* better with the windows general midi soundfont.

"Lunar Magic"

I made this midi for a DooM mapping collab thingy. Yes, the name is a reference to the SMW hacking tool of all things. It was late and I wasn't sure what to name it and I remembered talking about SMW hacking with a friend last night and I phoned it in lol.
I remember liking it a lot, but it sounds real bad with the other soundfont once again. I think any electric-guitar heavy song does probably.

"I Don't Know What to Name This"

As the gif provided with this song probably indicates, I really like the bass here.

"The Bone Zone"

Throughout the entirety of making this song, every single second was spent asking myself "What the fuck am I making?" I don't know why I made this, and honestly by the quality it should 100% be in the 'joke' category, but I categorize them based on whether or not I start making them as a joke or not so this somehow stays in here.

Extra Note:
This song is even worse somehow with the alternate soundfont this website's midi player provides. If you want the true Bone Zone experience, you have to download the midi and play it with the default Windows soundfont, I'm sorry.

other midis

These are a set of other misc midis.

"Beast of Many Minds" (MIDI version)

This is a midi version of the boss theme from my game, Synthstatica.
I made it a while ago and it's pretty lazy (I just replaced the instruments with midi instruments)
but otherwise it's neat.