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Written by Charbomber
Well, this post might seem like deja-vu for anyone following the project, but the intro is finished! Again!
You see, last time I said the intro was done, that was before I had like 4 other people working on the project. Now, it's updated with new graphics and music and also the end part of the intro is done now!
Wanna see it? You can find an unlisted video of it here.
Written by Charbomber
I am so sorry to say that CF Story is now FOREVER CANCELLED due to a leak of all the current beta assets (which can be found here) and everyone involved with the project will promptly be fired and put out onto the streets. I'm sorry, but ONE bad apple who leaked the whole game (which can be found here) just HAD to ruin it. I'm sorry everyone, but it just looks like that's how it is :/
Written by fledona
so the first time i made these i kind of forgot to even put the cf logo on them?
and then it turned out we didn't have one?
so nana made one, and i put it on a shirt and here they are (the left one is mine, the right is nana's, char couldnt get one as said in the previous post)!
pretty happy with how these came out
anyway char's probably working on actual game stuff so the updates about shirts can stop now
sadly me and nana are the only ones actually getting them because everyone else is being a good internet citizen and not sharing their address for me to steal ship the shirt to :(
Written by Charbomber
I know what you're thinking. "Wow Charbomber, two updates in one day?"
Hell yes there's two updates in one day, and you might've noticed this one already! Heheh! Look at THIS bad baby! BOOM! Logo!
After multiple revisions it's here. This logo will hopefully serve to be the logo for CF Story from now on, though we still need to add the subtitle, which we have also figured out now! Stay tuned for more awesome updates.
I wonder if I should show some of the early drafts...? Nah, I'll probably upload those later. Either way, see you later!
Written by Charbomber
Hey all, Char here. Surprise update????????
Fedora made shirts for everyone with the help of Nana??? Like, team shirts. I expected next update to actually about the game but like??? Heck yeah??? Unfortunately I couldn't get mine without doxxing myself so I chose not to have one. Everyone else seems to be enjoying these though so like? Cool?? Sorry this is a big surprise for me. NEXT update will probably be an update about the game, sorry.
This is really cool though, everyone thank Fedora and Nana.
Note: these shirts just seem like regular old Rain World shirts but I think on the back it says "CF Story"? I'm not sure actually, I just saw the decals they made for the shirts and one version said "CF Story" and they were talking about making shirts for it so that's all I can assume. Yeah.
Written by Charbomber
Hey, take a look at this lil' guy.
Cute, eh'? His name (or, I suppose nickname) is "Slugmin" and he is my son. Let me tell you how I've come to hate him over the many days spent working on this project.
So, let me break down who and what Slugmin is and represents. At the very first concept stages of the game (and I do mean VERY FIRST, like, far before the first gif of this game even made) I had actually tried to make this game a typical top-down RPG. This plan went great for a bit until I realized that this just simply isn't the best way to make this game, I thought.
A remnant of that extremely early stage of development is little ole' Slugmin here. Don't ask me why I decided to name the sprite "spr_slugmin", I just did, alright? Anyways point is, Slugmin was my first attempt at a sprite for the game and was to be the overworld walking sprite for your main character, but then I dropped the project for like a month or two and then picked it back up and that's when I realized I didn't want a top-down game.
This does not however end the tale of Slugmin...
Did you know that in Gamemaker, when a sprite is to be displayed but there is no sprite to be found, the very first sprite in the game directory is chosen to be displayed instead? Well, now you do, and wouldn't you know it, the very first sprite in CF's directory is Slugmin!
I had originally planned to simply remove Slugmin but I couldn't bear to do it, and thus Slugmin as the debugging tool was born. Should a sprite not be displayed correctly, none other than helpful little Slugmin would be there to show me how or why.
I have not required his help very often in development. To be frank, I am glad I have not. He is a nuisance and a disgrace to the family. Regardless, he is Charbomber's little helper elf should a sprite display wrong and that is beautiful.
Written by Charbomber
I've been honest, I've been trying to get this update out since the day after the first update, but I was busy and was doing so many other things at the time, oops.
Anyways, this update's about game screenshots. Wanna see some development screenshots?? Heck yeah you do. Let's look through some! It's like a family photo album! I warn though, some of these are very old, very dusty, and very crusty. You have been warned. Without further do:
This is the third earliest gif I can find of the game! Just to make sure it's clear, this is before:
Written by Charbomber
Here's a quick little 'update' for you, expanding what I said on the main page. Why did I make this game? Is it really JUST because I got obsessed with two games at the same time? Not quite.
You see, one day I was talking to a friend about Rainworld randomly. I don't even remember how we got on the topic or what we were talking about before or after but I was talking about the idea of slugcat civilization (certain things in Downpour suggest that Slugcats are more than intelligent and capable enough to pick up the pieces from the ancients) (sorry I think about this way too much lmao) and they said "Well, I know what happens in Saint's campaign, so I wouldn't be all too hopeful for a slugcat civilization" and that's what got me thinking. Ever since then I just really wanted to explore the concept of if civilization in this world is doomed or not. I know that's kind of a dumb premise considering the entire point of Rainworld is that you're just a little guy with sticks and stones against the wild but like this is REALLY damn cool of a thought process for me alright?
Anyways, that's why I started making this game lol. I just talked with a friend about something that I just can't get out of my head, so now I'm here making a whole dang game about it.